• EDF Guadeloupe

Conception, creation, and installation of a new, attractive sign for a bill payment kiosk situated in a shopping mall. Objective reached!

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  • EDF Martinique

Installing cash/bank card supported bill payment kiosks in shopping malls and outside of agencies.

Result: clients able to pay while doing their shopping, and less cluttered offices

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  • MC602

Institution of aCRM 360° (Sweetor) allowing MC602 advisors to manage prospective clients, depending on their entry channel (web, mail, showroom, telephone, etc....), from first contact to signing the contract

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  • Digiciel

Installation of apayment kiosk parks in Guadeloupe, Guyana, andMartinique,overseen by TopiaView which updates in real time:-All technicalalerts –All payments –All financial and bookkeeping statuses

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